Now there’s a president who should resign

Yes, I mean you, President Logan. Don’t you piss off Jack Bauer.

Did the people at “24” intend the parallels to be quite this, well, parallel? Weenie president. Check. Evil advisor. Check. “But it’s not my faaaaault!” Check.

They aren’t identical. One has a first lady who was insane for marrying him. The other has Jean Smart. Ba dum bump. Thank you, I’ll be here all week!

A different kind of personality test

Most of the personality tests in the blogcaves has to do with silly things. But this test is something different. It’s about implicit racial biases, and is pretty revealing, even if my results were definitely not what I would expect.

I did the Race IAT and my results were:

Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for African American compared to European American.

I don’t know where I came by that bias living in a pretty damned white part of a pretty damned white world. But it’s there. What does it all mean? I have no idea. Does it make me a better person? Not on your life. Am I overcompensating? I generally am.

I wonder if we’ll be able to share a cell

So on the radio I heard that a nearby city has decided to Fight! Terrorism! through Vigilance!

And they said they wanted people to report suspicious activities–activities like photographing bridges or wearing heavy clothes in summer.

Which means that any time Steve and I are in said city, we’re probably going to get marks put on our permanent records. Steve photographs things. I wear heavy clothes.

Please visit us in jail. Send a file to Gitmo. Remember me when I’m gone.

Say it ain’t so, Thomas!

I’ll admit it, even in public.

My favorite TV show, ever, is Magnum PI.

I still watch it. I still enjoy it. And I won’t be ashamed!

Except now, they’re making a movie. A Magnum PI movie. And I am sore afraid.

Oh, Thomas, please do a witty voiceover that reassures me while you drive along the Hawai’ian shoreline in your shiny Ferrari! I’ll give you a dollar. *sob*

Bloglines makes me crazy

I use Bloglines to keep tabs on various blogs out there. You can see a partial list over there to the right. *points* I don’t have everything listed because, frankly, the list would be longer than the longest long thing you can name! Oarfish! Rapunzel’s hair! Lines at the DMV! John Kerry’s face! Long!

Anyway, back to Bloglines. If I decide to follow a blog, I’ll subscribe with Bloglines, so any update appears whenever I log in, which I do a few times a day. This is a neat convenience for me.

But Julie, you say, I thought Bloglines makes you crazy?

They do, kemosabe. Because I am incapable of wandering away until I have read every update on every blog, no matter how much or little time I have, no matter if I’m interested in reading poetry or politics or neither, I have to read them all. I am OCB–Obsessive-Compulsive Blogliner.

At the same time, I’m lazy. If I sub to a blog, I put it in a certain folder so I’ll remember to pay more attention to it at first. And then I forget and leave it there and never move it to one of my classifications so that it’s public and everything is a big jumble and I haven’t even been doing this for two months.

I have the organizational skills of a Mongol horde. A chaotic Mongol horde, mind you, not a tidy one.


Tapetum Lucidum

Tapetum Lucidum

She wakes whenever I forget to miss
the creak step near the top with stuttered feet.
And phosphor pupils beam from the abyss
of blankets. In the darkness she can cheat
my unlit lenses, hearing’s incomplete
perception: slow or skinny, frail or faint;
eyes glowing like a sundog or a saint.
The rest is hidden. She blinks into black
and I need light, a spill of light to paint
her into fur and bones and death and back.

It isn’t the dizain, but it’s a dizain. I was hoping to jog the other one loose, but no luck.