The Tuesday Ten, only it’s Thursday

While reading Fritz on Bloglines, I found a link to The Tuesday Ten, which asks 10 ethical dilemma type questions. Only, I don’t find them much in the way of dilemmas really.

Ethical dilemmas:

1. If you were forced to choose between killing your spouse (if you have one) or one of your parents (assume there will be no legal ramifications to this), who would it be?

The question doesn’t make sense. How can I be forced to choose. Choose or I die? Well, then I die. Choose or [Jack Bauer]millions of people will die![/Jack Bauer]? Well, I wouldn’t be the one killing millions of people. Whoever is trying to give me that ultimatum is the one with the ethics problem, not this little brown hen.

2. If you were guaranteed to receive $1,000 for drowning a puppy (assume there is no legal ramifications), would you do it?

No. Why would I?

3. If you knew you would never be found out (EVER), would you consider being unfaithful to your partner?

No. Why would I?

4. Are you pro or anti death penalty? (You need not justify your response.)

Anti. We’re all imperfect and the justice system is even more imperfect than we are. Killing someone deliberately based on the court system? Hell no.

5. You walk in and catch your partner in flagrante delicto (i.e., doing the nasty with someone other than you) in the shower. You have immediate access to a plugged in hair dryer, a gun, a button marked “Straight To Hell”, and a lawyer. Which lethal weapon do you use?

Lawyers are a lethal weapon? I always suspected!

I won’t be lied to, so I’d get a divorce.

6. Which is the greater sin, gluttony or being a packrat?

Neither is even slightly sinful.

7. Your favourite grandparent is dying of a incurable disease and asks for your assistance to “check out.” Do you help?

My grandparents are all dead, and not by my hand, either. But yeah. I’d help.

8. Walking down a street you find a wallet with no identification and $50 in cash. It’s located between two buildings, equally spaced apart. Do you turn in the wallet or keep it, and if you turn it in, to which building?

Ze policia!

9. You’re at a party. One of the guests you do not know well, but know is HIV+, normally healthy, and goes into cardiac arrest. You know CPR, but haven’t been certified in a number of years (you were certified pre-potential bodily fluid transfer guidelines). No one elase knows that you know CPR. Do you start CPR?

I’d give it my best shot. After all, I think I’d kill myself if I could have saved a life and didn’t bother, so I might as well try to save ’em.

10. Ask me something.

Do your shoes smell of shoes?

On contests and stuff like that

The contest deadline has passed, and I’ll be posting the winner later tonight. Thanks to everyone who played or considered playing. I like the idea of casual poetry contests, something that gives people a prize to strive for without getting all weird about who’s judging what.

Steve’s surgery went extremely well. His DeQuervain is, apparently, released. Kink. Ee.