Putting the me in meme

Seven things to do before I die:

The real answer is:

1. Live
2. Live
3. Live
4. Live
5. Live
6. Live
7. Live

But the blogger meme answer is:

1. Translate the Iliad
2. Go to Egypt
3. Eat Morbier
4. Write a poem worth reading
5. Watch all the episodes of Magnum, PI
6. Move to a warm place
7. Improve the world

Seven Things I cannot do:

1. Sing
2. Say “lily”
3. Watch horror movies
4. Do the splits
5. Read Faulkner
6. Write pantoums
7. Eat hot peppers

Seven things that attract me to my mate

1. His sense of humor
2. His kindness
3. His love for animals
4. His intelligence
5. His voice
6. His beard
7. His toastiness

Seven Books I love:

1. Gaudy Night, by Sayers
2. Emma, by Austen
3. Blood Sport, by Francis
4. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Lee
5. Sabriel, by Nix
6. The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, by King
7. The Dubliners, by Joyce

Seven things I say

1. Oooookey
2. Golly
3. Woo!
4. See you later, potater?
5. Snug
6. Someone just push me in front of a bus

Seven Movies I’ve loved:

1. Charade
2. Better Off Dead
3. Babe
4. The Awful Truth
5. The Importance of Being Earnest (50s)
6. Pride and Prejudice (90s)
7. Die Hard

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