You’re not leaving, are you?

Steve got up from computer fiddling to go get himself a drink and I said, “You’re not leaving, are you?” And then I was sobbing.

I had just read this poem, which is part of it. I’m hot. I’m tired. I’m a little bit hungry.

But it’s simpler than that. I’m just scared. I hate hearts. I hate that they love and break and I hate more that they stop. They can just stop.

Some days, it’s just too much. Today, it’s too much. Damn.

Yoinks, it’s hot

I just went upstairs and nearly scorched my eyebrows off. The weather is mocking me, going from cold to hot too quickly for me to adjust to.

It doesn’t help that we are without central air and have to rely on window units. Which aren’t in place. Which Steve can’t put in because of his heart and his wrist and which I can’t put in because I managed to do something dreadful to my elbow Saturday.

I’ll just sit here and melt. No, the computer is too warm. I’ll sit over there and melt.

Liberty’s in…

Solon, Maple Heights, Independence, Parma Heights, Vermillion, aaaooooom.

If you’re not from around Cleveland, you won’t know what the hell I’m talking about, but Liberty Ford has the weirdest jingle in the history of commercials.

And, god help me, I sing along. Every. Time.

Steve may stop watching baseball with me.


I have a pint of ice cream

… and I’m not afraid to use it.

Breyer’s Sara Lee Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream, to be exact.

It’s all because of a dearth of Diet Coke and a whole lotta whining. Oh and being attacked by a rose bush that was trying to eat my face.

Life is hard. That’s why we have dessert.