I got offered a raise today and…

I turned it down.

And now I’m left wondering, seriously wondering, if I’m as stupid as that sounds.

I am. I really could have used that money. Some impulse rose up and I found myself saying that no, it’s not important and no, I don’t think I’ve earned it and oh, have you considered giving it to X instead?

And then I get to come home and look through the bills and feel sick.

I got my new bed, though, and it’s purty.

Wait, this is a good opportunity to plug my book.

Buy a copy. Feed a stupid poet!

I don’t think I have a future in advertising.

5 thoughts on “I got offered a raise today and…”

  1. Can you blame your refusal on some sort of illness, or medicine-related temporary insanity?

    No, seriously, can you go back tomorrow and discuss it again…?

  2. Twitches said what I was going to! Is there more to this story that you’re not sharing — like they needed something additional from you that you weren’t willing to give? C’mon, girl, give us something! 😉

  3. I don’t think there’s more to the story, but I think the modesty thing is right. But not a genuine sort of modesty. I think I was siezed by a sort of false modesty, perhaps hoping to be talked into it.

    My brain is like a Pixie Stick. You open it up and suddenly there’s stuff everywhere.

  4. OK, so go back in. “Hey! I’ve been giving your offer some more thought and I’d really like to take that raise, if it’s all the same to you. You were kind enough to offer it, and I’ve realized I could really use it.” How could they then say no?

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