So you write a great poem

Then what? Say you write the best poem from the past 20 years. 50 years. 100 years. What would you even do with it then? So few venues accept previously published work, so you’d better pick the right one from the outset. Some venues would be closed to you no matter the quality of the work if you don’t have a name already.

So, what would you do?

I think the state of the poetry publishing world right now means that no matter how good the poem is, only a handful of people will ever see it. And they’ll only be reading it because it’s next to their poem in the same journal.

Yes, I am that cynical.

If anyone would care to donate a name

I’m starting a new novel and a few of my characters need names. If anyone would like to, someday, see their name in print, email me your name and any of the attributes you’d like to have. F’rinstance, if you want to be a bad guy, a hero, especially tall, mustachioed, dreadlocked, one-legged, or all of the above.

It’s going to be a YA fantasy novel, but it’s set in Ohio, so nothing too exotic!