It’s been six months

I should be glad that it has been six months since my last batch of cluster headaches. I should be glad. I’m not.

I’m really really not.

Because they’re back.

6 thoughts on “It’s been six months”

  1. Fortunately, the cycle seems to be over. Hurrah.

    I used to get migraines. Now I get these. There are pluses and minuses, honestly, but I think the clusters are probably easier to stand. I think the foreboding that one’s about to strike makes it bad, but the pain is almost bearable compared to a migraine. My sympathies to all migraine sufferers.

  2. Julie, could you explain the difference between cluster headaches and migraines? I’m pretty much clueless.

    I get migraines, but they’re what my doctor calls atypical migraines, which is a fancy way of saying “funky symptoms.”

  3. Hey, Cindy.

    Cluster headaches are usually sudden, intense bursts of pain that center around an eye. They come on in an instant, last for a while, then suddenly disappear. They tend to strike at the same time every day for a few weeks, then stop happening. There are different symptoms. Mine always occur in my right eye. I always get light sensitive, nauseated, and have sparkles or auras. My eye waters and my nose usually runs. Sudden movements are bad. Lying down is usually bad. Flickering or bright lights are impossible to stand. It lasts for about two hours, generally, then simply disappears. I seem to get them for anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks per cycle. Mine almost always strike in the afternoon, around 3. I will be fine, then sudden, sharp pain, feeling like it’s penetrating my eye.

    Different people get different symptoms, and I haven’t yet had any treatment. I was diagnosed based on symptoms, not via any tests.

    Oh, and lucky me: It’s more common in men. I always gotta be a rebel!

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