Hunker in the bunker!

There will be an explosion of monumental proportions any minute now at work. I am battening down the hatches, at least metaphorically, since I don’t actually know how to do that.

The bad thing is if this explosion follows the track I expect, I’ll be a lot busier at work. The good thing is it might rid me of a thorn in my side. My grumpy self and my lazy self are currently thumb-wrestling over my happiness level. I would expect my grumpy self to win since my lazy self is, well, lazy.

The first chunk of the NaNo

If anyone wants to read my NaNo as it stands, I have put it up on my Writely account. To read it, I will have to invite you, so I’ll need your email address. You can either email me ( or post a comment here.

Or, if you’re a member of TUF, you can see the whole shebang there.

Edited: Change of plans. The Writely thing was too hard, so I put it up on a WordPress blog (Scavella gave me the idea). I did password protect, though, so just send me an email ( to ask for yon password and ye shall receive.

Over 20000 words

I’ve done well catching up on my goal, but I’m finding myself unable to read, write, or think about poetry. Like usual, I’m reading three or four novels, but poems? I think I could read an entire novel expending less brainpower than a single poem would cost me right now. Gosh.

So an editor comes along and says…

“Please submit a couple of poems.”

I’m happy to comply. I’m delighted to comply. But for some reason picking poems after I get an invitation is harder than picking poems when I don’t get an invitation. I’m like a puppy, and I want to make the inviter happy. I don’t want there to be post-invitation regrets. I don’t want the editor to say, “Yeah, we invited her but wow, that was a mistake!”

I’m overthinking this, again, aren’t I?

Surveying the carnage

I finally gave up at about 1 o’clock, went upstairs and poked the sleeping Steve to tell him the Dems had a slight lead in Virginia and Montana but Missouri was a mess.

I wake to find that they still have a slight lead in Virginia and Montana and Missouri might still be a mess but it’s a mess with a new Democrat senator.

The question is: Should I go wake him again to tell him? I really should.