If I had a nickel…

Why is it that someone will write a boring poem about a boring topic, then when called on it claim that the boringness of the poem is the point?

Critic: The poem is dull and unremarkable.
Poet: That’s the point, that the subject is dull and unremarkable.

It makes me want to find a nice marble pillar to smack my head on.

And no, I am not going to point to examples. If you haven’t seen this for yourself, you should cherish your pristine eyeballs and rejoice. And send me a nickel.

4 thoughts on “If I had a nickel…”

  1. But I MEANT for my poem to be boring, hackneyed, tripe. It’s, like, totally part of the speaker’s character. Der.

  2. Julie,

    I so agree with you. It’s not just ‘boring’ poems. I’ve also gotten that *same* response when I pointed out that a poem was full of cliche. The poet told me it was intentional.

    *shakes head*
    *walks away*


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