
We’ve gone back to planting tomatoes this season after a one-year hiatus. We put them in the ground early this year, and the weather has been cooperating temperature-wise, but not rain-wise.

We planted four Cherokee Purples, a Brandywine, a Pineapple, a Black Prince, and an Early Girl.

I want tomatoes. Now. NOW. *sob*

If I could turn back the hands of time…

… I’d keep track of all the people I used to know. Yes, all of them. Every last one of you. Even the rat finks.

Jim Sheard was trying to track down a member of aapc and I realized that there are members of aapc I haven’t thought about in years, people I used to “see” online every day, multiple times a day, and I couldn’t name them.

That’s just sad.

A chainsaw? Riiiiight

Over the winter, we lost part of a pine tree during a big ice storm. The tree just sort of broke in half and toppled into the yard.

Fortunately, the trunk fell without hurting anything but an astilbe.

Ever since, Steve has been claiming we need a chainsaw. This the the guy who tried to cut his own hand off with a pocketknife. And I’m the person who is constantly tripping over cracks in the sidewalk and hitting her head on things.

We are not worthy of a chainsaw.

But Steve saw doom and Steve saw gloom. He saw us growing old with a tree partially down in the backyard. He saw cheap me being unwilling to pay someone to move it. And in that he was partially right.

For I had a saw! And scrawny arms that needed the exercise.

Making a long story short, I moved the tree. Steve is grumpy, and oh-so-wrong. But he still has all his limbs.


The current plan

I’m bad at making decisions, so I’m keeping both blogs for the moment. That “moment” might be five minutes or two years. It’s really hard to say.

In any case, there is a static page on WordPress for my blank verse. I’ll be posting the sections here, but there’s where the whole mess will reside if anyone is actually willing to read the whole mess. I know that I’ll be using WordPress in November for NaNo, as well.

Scavella mentioned that one of the things she hates about Blogger is the commenting issue, and I agree. Commenting on Blogger blogs is often frustrating and futile. I have set it so that anyone may comment. If you use the “other” option, you can fill in your name and website (if you wish). Or you can post anonymously. Whatever works best for you.

Blogger vs. WordPress

Well, until I post this, I will have identical posts here and at my new WordPress blog. I have some complaints about Blogger. But I also have some complaints about WordPress, and I wonder if it’s worth switching.

WordPress pros:

The biggie: Static pages for things like the blank verse challenge is way cool.
It’s rumored to be more stable than Blogger.
Keeping track of my comments on other people’s blogs is much easier. It’s pretty much impossible on Blogger.
Support for the site is simply better.

WordPress cons:

The biggie: I have to pay to edit my template? WHA?
Because of that, I appear to be stuck with their choice of templates–none of which I like.
And I have to lose some of my widgets, like the ChainReading widget, that I like and use.
Doing any admin work is incredibly slow on dialup, and at work I’m on dialup.
Did I mention they want me to pay them so that I can do what I do on Blogger for free?