But, his name sounds kinda furrin

Apparently, it was Tom Tancredo during the New Hampshire Republican Debate saying, “Omigawd! We could become BILINGUAL!”

Hey, now, Tom (by the way, what kinda name is “Tancredo” anyhow? You some sorta furriner?) I rather wonder if you’re getting all confused. Bilingual. Bisexual. It’s all so similar.

Thoughts on the blank verse challenge

I’m 20% along, which is farther than I was beginning to fear I would get.

I don’t know if anyone is reading along, so I won’t talk about the poem specifically. But last night, I did a recording of the whole thing and wow. It’s such an improvement aloud. On the page, I think the very regular linebreaks (not my faaaaault) and the dense strophe breaks make for a tedious read. The recording was much more interesting, though I didn’t do a very good job on the reading; it was rushed and a bit garbly, and my cat Orson kept yowling in to the microphone.

So, if anyone is actually reading along, I’d recommend reading it aloud, you gluttons for punishment.

Write a stick poet superhero poem

Michael of Stick Poet Super Hero wants to please those who come to his site looking for stick poet superhero poems:

For the next week, e-mail me your best effort at a Stick Poet Superhero poem. I promise I’ll post them all on here ( the good, the bad, and the ugly) and then you can all vote on the best one. In the end, those who keep coming here in search of super hero poems will at last feel there Google searches are not have been in vain.

So write him some! Don’t let the googlers leave his site empty, er, handed.