My veterinarian has to love me

I’m beginning to think that 25% of the GCP (gross Carter product) goes to my vet.

Today, I need to make another appointment for Dickens, who is acting even funnier than normal.

Daggone it, you stupid beasts. How am I supposed to keep you in kibble if you keep running up credit card debt?

6 thoughts on “My veterinarian has to love me”

  1. Man-oh-Man do I hear that. I’m pretty sure my population helped put that woman’s sons through college. This last bill was huge.

    What do you mean by “funny”?

  2. She’s breathing as if she just ran a marathon. It’s off and on, and who knows? Maybe it’s a function of her being chock full of kitty pudgitude.

    I hope that’s all it is. They suspected pneumonia and the antibiotics seemed to help for a while. I dunno. She goes back to the vet tonight.

  3. Poor little thing. I do hope they find something that works for her. Is she an older cat?

  4. She’s 10, I think. Somewhere around there.

    We just got back and they don’t really know for certain. Doing some blood tests this time. Poor Dickens. She thinks she’s being persecuted.

  5. Taking cats to the vet is a lot harder than taking the dogs. The dogs almost get why they’re there–or they trust you enough to believe you when you explain it (err . . . mine do anyway). Cats don’t buy the explanations and apologies. They have a whole list of things they don’t want to have happen and going to the vet violates nearly every one of them.

    She’s lucky to have you, Julie. I do hope they track down the problem soon.

  6. Gosh, I hope so, too.

    The blood work all came back normal, so now they want to do a tracheal washing. $$$ Ouch.

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