Screwed again

Steve’s doctor wants to put him on Byetta, a diabetes drug.

Steve’s insurance company won’t pay for it.

Steve’s wife is having a really bad week.

2 thoughts on “Screwed again”

  1. Julie, try this, please.

    Most drug companies, Lily (parent company of Amylin) included, have a pretty good record lately of suppling their drugs to people who either do not have insurance or whose insurance companies refuse to pay for their drugs.

    Give it a go. I’m sure filling out forms is not your favorite entertainment, but hey, once it’s done – it’s done and you can rest easy knowing you’ve done all you could.


  2. Hey, Lo.

    Yep, that was the first place I went. Because he has prescription insurance through Medicare, even though they won’t pay for it, he’s not eligible for help from Amylin. Amylin said they would work with his doctor to try to get him approved, but when I passed that information on to his doctor’s office, the nurse acted like I was an unreasonable person for wanting her to do anything.

    I know these offices are busy, but dammit.

    Anyway, we went ahead and bought a pen last night. We had a discount card so it was $188 instead of $230. Still. Ouch.


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