In which the car goes boom, and I suffer

It was supposed to be a brief excursion. A jaunt, perhaps.

And then, in Kentucky, the car EXPLODED.

Well, actually the radiator just sprang a leak, but that’s not nearly as dramatic.

In any case, I’ve just spent the last couple of days trapped at my in-laws.

My books were still in the car.

I had my phone, but no way to charge it.

I had a rental vehicle, but it was a MONSTER TRUCK. Who can afford to put gasoline in a MONSTER TRUCK? Not this little brown hen.

But the car has been patched and bandaged and I am home.

And sunburnt.

And hungry.

And tired.

And sweaty.

And the cat keeps yowling.

And I think there is a bee in my eye.

That is all.

6 thoughts on “In which the car goes boom, and I suffer”

  1. Hey there,
    There’s a new writing project up at The Shameless Lions Writing Circle site. Please check it out and I hope you can take part and promote it. Also, check out the “latest news” section.

  2. You poor kid. Glad it’s all fixed (?) now. Being trapped with family, even family you like, is never easy even at the best of times. Personally, I’d have started walking after the first twenty-four hours.

  3. Julie, have I mentioned lately that I love your sense of humor?

    Patti, who is posting as “anonymous” because the stupid login doesn’t work 🙂

  4. See, this is why I don’t like being trapped in Kentucky with my in-laws. When I get whiny on my blog, someone sympathizes. 😀 Thank you all.

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