Yes We Pecan!

Apparently Ben and Jerry of Ben & Jerry’s have endorsed Barack Obama for President.

Someone at the Obama site suggested a new flavor: Yes We Pecan!

Who else wants ice cream?

Edited to add: A later post suggested Baracky Road. I laughed like a fool, which is easy because I kinda am one.

Places I’m going to submit work

I said a couple of days ago that I’m going to get serious about publication. I have nearly 100 unpublished poems and I’m going to find a home for at least a quarter of them. That’s my preliminary goal.

Yesterday I got an acceptance from Umbrella. Yay.

I plan on submitting to Anti- (wonderful first issue, take a look!), Soundzine, kaleidowhirl, and possibly DIAGRAM (which I adore but the poetry in there is really different from mine and they will sneer at me!). I’m checking out Unsplendid, too.

Any other suggestions gratefully accepted.