You’d think it would be harder to find something nice to say

There are so many poems produced during NaPo at the two forums I frequent. Both forums encourage positive comments during the month, and you’d think (okay, I’d think) it would be harder to find positive things to say. But it isn’t. There’s usually something good going on, often several somethings, and occasionally there will be a poem that just astonishes the hell out of me.

But that could be my brain fried lack of sleep talking. Wow, I’m tired.

2 thoughts on “You’d think it would be harder to find something nice to say”

  1. This is something I noticed last year for the first time — the year before the threads were OK, not collectively special. I think that there’s something big happening in literature on the whole, and it’s a renaissance of poetry, brought about by the internet. I may sound mad, but I’m serious; the rumours of the death of the poem have been greatly exaggerated, and each April I am assured that they are simply not true.

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