Okay, Republicans, if you want to be taken seriously…

… you need to stop being such fucking idiots.

People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.

You mean Stephen Hawking, the GUY WHO IS FROM ENGLAND? That Stephen Hawking?

I’m trying to work up some righteous indignation, but the giggles keep getting in my way.

Here’s someone else talking about this silliness.

2 thoughts on “Okay, Republicans, if you want to be taken seriously…”

  1. The website seems to have picked up on that little bit of stupidity. Pity. I thought it was funny.

    I do like watching USians denigrating the NHS. Lordy I know the ramshackle organisation is not perfect, but then we’re not spending – what, 20%? – of our GDP on healthcare.

    Anyways how are you, Julie? Has the new addition settled in yet?

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