The flea, the pest, and the ow ow ow!

We had an attack of fleas in the Carter abode, and I dosed the furry peeps with Capstar tonight. Based on the reactions of the furry peeps, Capstar is LIKE METH! WHEE! WHHHHEEEEEEEE!

I was chatting online during the Indians game when Cuthbert (WHEE I’M ON METH WHEEEEE!) flew out of nowhere and landed on, or rather against, the screen of my laptop, slamming it shut on my fingers.


I had eaten cereal for dinner (don’t judge me!) and the bowl was still on the table. It flew, the cat flew, the milk dregs flew, the other cats flew.

My knuckles didn’t fly. They went creak.

Cuthbert’s name is more fitting every day. “Bert” means famous or illustrious, and “Cuth” is what I do when my hands get slammed in a computer.

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