Oh look out, you rock ‘n’ rollers

I used to be bold with my hair. It was shaved, or weirdly asymmetrical with spikes and rat-tails and blonde streaks and curls. It’s been an inch long but with bangs down to my chin, or past my shoulder blades. Done up in a single plait or bound in tiny braids around my face. Combed into a perfect Vulcan bob, or a bedraggled John Lennonesque hippie mess. Elvis pompadours and Ozzie man-cuts. Old lady perms and sleek, chic cascades. Blonde, strawberry, clown red, purple. Light and dark. Tall and small.

“Don’t worry,” I’ve told a hundred beauticians. “It grows back.”

My hair reflected me. Not any one style, but them all. I was never afraid of looking like an ass–which is good because I often did.

I got my hair cut this afternoon. “Just take a little off,” I said. “I don’t know what else to do.”

She took a little off.

I used to come out of a salon transformed. But today you can hardly tell I got a haircut. Something in me rejects the hell out of that. Something in me says that things are only worth doing if they are transformative.

So, I bought some dye. I wasn’t bold enough to choose anything too radical, but I’m reclaiming something I had lost–mutability.

Turn and face the strange. Yeah, let’s do this thing.

6 thoughts on “Oh look out, you rock ‘n’ rollers”

  1. I am having a tough time aligning my image of the ever so sensible Julie (no, I don’t know where that come from either) with this image of you with spiked hair. But I do like the dimension it adds.

    I’m curious. What did you settle for?

  2. I think it’s a color called “lightest golden brown.” Something like that. My hair has been darkening pretty markedly for the past ten or so years, so I forget how dark it is now.

    And me? Sensible? Hee. 😀

  3. At least it’s not grey. 🙂 Everybody kept telling me that since I’m blonde, it won’t show up. Everybody lied.

    Post pictures?

  4. I’m now a little afraid that it isn’t even going to be noticeable. But I’ll try to get a pic or two.

    I don’t have pictures of most of my fun hairstyles. I’ve never really been one to take pictures. Steve was, but he wasn’t amused by my more, shall we say creative? hairstyle ideas.

    I almost had him talked into bleaching his hair blond once. But he chickened out!

  5. I think it’s barely noticeable. My camera is at work (well, actually the camera is right here, but the BATTERY is at work)! I’ll try to get a pic tomorrow. I’m a little disappointed my “daring” behavior has netted me hair one shade lighter. BAH!

    I’m going vivid next time.

  6. I would have voted for purple, if I’d had a say.

    Maybe that’s why I didn’t have a say. 🙂

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