Cuthbert the Chin

I just got Cuthbert home from the vet. He has a swollen chin and today had a procedure with general anesthetic so they could go in there and poke around. Think happy thoughts.

When they let him out of his crate in an exam room, he walked around shouting and shoving things off the counters. That’s my boy.

It’s time

On my Goodreads author profile page, it said “Julie Carter lives in Ohio with her husband…”

Now it just says “Julie Carter lives in Ohio.” I was considering “Julie Carter lives,” but sometimes I wonder.

Steve had illusions about me. I don’t know how, but he did. He thought I was smart and he thought I was strong. I’m neither. But I’m ready.

I’m going to scatter his ashes, maybe this weekend. Scatter those and gather myself.

I’m scared. I feel like a seed ready to crack, and I don’t really know what packet I came out of.

Let’s hope it’s something hardy, preferably with thorns.

More housekeeping

I think I made my blogroll curl up and die. I’ve lost a number of links, so if you’re reading this and should be over there but aren’t, you have my permission to prod me with a stick and demand your day in court! Or at least your day and/or life on my blogroll and my apologies.


I don’t really read poetry blogs much anymore, so I’m doing some culling of my links and feeds. That doesn’t mean I’m going to stop reading the blogs of people I know through poetry, though. Some of you are fascinating. Like aliens. 😀

I’m still here

Just an update to say that I’m still hanging in there. I’ve been mostly fairly content the past few weeks. I’m ever so slowly adjusting to being single again.

I had a dream the other night that I could bring Steve back but he wouldn’t be healthy, and I hesitated. When I woke up, I felt like a horrible person for that hesitation.

There’s an old cliche about a woman holding her husband responsible for things he did in her dream. I go one further and hold me responsible, too.