The fright

Cuthbert made it outside. I held the door open a second too long, and he dashed past me, down the stoop, and under the porch.

Not knowing what else to do and certain he was going to run out into the street and get crushed, I ran upstairs to get his darling laser pointer. This was harder than it should have been because I can’t breathe worth a damn right now. But, wheezing and coughing along, I charged.


The cat who will chase the laser pointer for days if only I didn’t eventually have to sleep turned up his pink nose at it and instead weaseled his way through the lattice at the end of the porch and started dashing up the sidewalk.

One advantage of a deaf cat is they aren’t very good at sneaking.

Another advantage of a deaf cat is they improve your own sneaking ability ten-fold. I was coughing up a storm, but he had no idea.

A block away, he paused to look around and I pounced on him.

Because it ended happily aside from taking a few years off my life and causing oxygen deprivation, I can say that I’m sure it was hilarious to watch.

This was my first escapee in about 15 years. My cats are generally too fat and lazy to try anything.

5 thoughts on “The fright”

  1. I’m glad you caught him. They’re like children; they wait until you’re sick to pull stupid stunts.

    Our escapees like to get on the roof and wander around yowling. We use tuna when all else fails.

  2. Our dog somehow slipped out of the house last week and managed to get herself skunked right in the face.


    Dealing with skunk was way better than if she had been hit by a car–that hound has *no* street sense. Shaved a few years off my life too.

    Glad the boy is safe.

  3. As a late-blooming seasonal asthmatic (probably not helped by living with two cats), it’s a weird, perhaps selfish kind of relief to hear that I’m not alone in coughing myself halfway to Toledo over the last couple of weeks. I’m sure everyone at work thinks I’m some kind of evil swine flu carrier, but cool, damp October weather does this to me every single year.

    I need to move to Aruba or something.

  4. I can think of additional reasons to move to Aruba! And yeah, I’m coughing up a storm. I don’t know if it’s allergies or some minor bug, but it’s very unpleasant.

    Hedge, if I feed him more I think he might explode. He already mauls everyone at the vet’s office looking for treats!

    I’m thinking skunking might have been a good thing. But tuna would have been bad, since he already thinks getting outside is enormously fun! and exciting! Grr.

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