My new hat

You can tell I had the camera out.

Here is the hat my sister made for me.

Straight on:

new hat straight on
new hat straight on

And the money shot:

the money shot
the money shot

Putting the hat on requires an “I’ve got a sock monkey hat” dance. Someday, I’ll take a video of that.

6 thoughts on “My new hat”

  1. Sock monkey! OK, seriously: that hat is bad-ass. I appreciate you modeling it; you may now pass it on to me thankyouverymuch.

  2. I was googling my name and came across your blog. My daughter LOVES monkeys, she is almost 2. Would you be able to have your sister send me a copy of her pattern for the hat?

  3. Hi, other-Julie-Carter!

    I can ask her. I don’t know if she’s writing down her patterns or just winging it.

  4. OK, Julie, how do you do it? Take a self-photo without distorting yourself any? And how do you do it so you look the same in every photo, hats and hair colour excepted?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. Nico,

    It’s practice! Every time I pick up a camera, I snap at least one picture of myself grinning in exactly that way. So, you need a camera and remarkable self-absorption and you, too, can be like ME!

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