Apparently, poets are not immune

While glancing at Erato this morning, I ran across this thread, where the full-fledged white hysteria over Barack Obama can be witnessed in its glory.

Some gems:

I have seen many times where discussions on mainstream media say that Obama is a Christian, but they never bring up what his father’s religion, his step father’s religion and his half brother’s religion is.

The Edwards affair is months old, and the mainstream media did not pick up on it, I might say, because it would have negative news for Hussein Obama.

Did the media pick up on or even ask or question why Hessein Obama no longer does the fist-bump thing? Why doesn’t he do it all the time?? Because it is a known black-gang salute? Why is a person running for president even doing black-gang hand gestures? But the point is, the media will not question Hussein Obama.

Here is a question for you: Can Obama swim? Really, it is a real question.

Wow. Just wow.

11 thoughts on “Apparently, poets are not immune”

  1. I’ve pretty much decided that calling Obama “Hussein” at all is a signal that the person speaking is irredeemably stupid. That comforts me. 😀

  2. Obama’s middle name is Hussein, ain’t it? Callin’ him Obama Billy Bob would just be plain weird. Has anyone written a poem titled Obama Hussein and John McCain? There’s a nice rhythm and rhyme thing goin’ on in that. I’d do it, but I’m more of a Ron Paul kind o’ girl. Besides, my muse is on vacation. Hey. Will I be burned at the stake if I decide to call McCain John Sidney? I’m going to push that “kommentar schreiben” button now. Hope it doesn’t explode.

  3. I think there’s a slight difference between calling someone “Sidney” and calling them “Hussein.” If McCain’s middle name were Hitler it would be a better comparison–and equally stupid.

  4. I don’t pay a lot of attention to politicians. Most of them suck. Bellows. Bags of hot air. I haven’t seen McCain come out in favor of discrimination or preferential treatment based on race or ethnicity or name. The opposite actually. If Obama isn’t ashamed of his name, why should we be? It makes no sense to me. If you have a second or three, go look at that youtube video I put on my blog this morning (I can’t believe I put politics on my blog. Oy. The shame of it all.)

  5. Who said anything about shame? Poets, good poets at least though it appears Bill Julian can hardly be called that, recognize the power of words. Good people recognize that we should treat others as we would like to be treated. That means not hiding behind disingenuous bullshit and batting our lashes that, gosh, we’re just asking questions, isn’t a person allowed to ask questions?

    Ask John McCain what he thought of pollsters asking how voters would feel if he had fathered a black child. Words mean things and they reveal our biases as surely as anything does.

    I am not talking about politicians. I didn’t title this post “Politicians are not immune.” I’m talking about poets. McCain has sure as hell come out in favor of discrimination based on sexual orientation, and that is completely unacceptable to me, but again, I’m talking about poets–people I actually have some contact with.

    I can’t watch the video from here, though I tried.

    I stick by my original position. Those who call Obama “Hussein” are stupid people. The nicest I can be is to feel sorry for them.

  6. Poets. Yes. Poets are nuts. ::wink:: I see that poet group you linked to has closed that thread. Oh, yes. Freedom of speech is alive and well in America, people. Not. If we want to feel sorry about something, Julie, maybe we should feel sorry about that.

    Thanks for listening. I hope you get a chance to see that video. It’s about the pens being put up for the DNC in Colorado. Free speech zone, dontcha know.

  7. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with private property, which is what Erato is.

    The DNC, on the other hand, is a bunch of idiots and apparent Republican wannabees. That sort of banishing of protesters should be left to the Bushes of the world, not embraced by Democrats. I guess they become what they (claim to) hate.

  8. Yeah. Private property. It’s hard to find a good poet group. Most message boards are like that, not just poetry sites. People’s feelings get hurt. People get angry and go off half cocked. Somebody’s always gotta be the heavy, crack the whip, arm the nukes, get folks back in line, I suppose. Kind of stifles thinking and creativity, though. Oh, well. I guess that’s why God invented cliques and political parties. I really need to write a poem. ::sigh::

  9. I tried, I tried.

    It’s an embarrassing community sometimes. Sometimes I embarrass myself by being there. Sometimes I quit. But, like a moth, I’m always lured back again.

    I like to argue, what can I say?

    Nice new blog – shiny. 🙂

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